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Update from Berlin #5 | Nutrition Citizen Council, Hydrogen Production, Bundestag Session

Update from Berlin
1. Update from Berlin #1
2. Update from Berlin #2
3. Update from Berlin #3 | Skilled Labor Immigraton, Procurement Legislation, Google Court Hearing
4. Update from Berlin #4 | Cannabis Legislation | New Berlin Government
5. Update from Berlin #5 | Nutrition Citizen Council, Hydrogen Production, Bundestag Session
6. Update from Berlin # 6 | Bremen election, Lufthansa Court Ruling, Agenda EU Commission
7. Update from Berlin # 7 | Health Care Relief, Energy Efficiency, Competition Law
8. Update from Berlin # 8 | Climate & Agriculture Events, ETFs, Copyright Law
9. Update from Berlin #9 | EU Train Passenger Rights | Schengen Report | ECJ Sessions
10. Update from Berlin #10 | Bundestag Sessions, Committee Hearings, Federal Court Meetings
11. Update from Berlin #11 | Lobbyregister Revision, Committee Hearings, Government Interview
12. Update from Berlin #12 | EU Commission | Federal Court Sessions | Amazon Cartel Hearing
13. Update from Berlin #13 | Maritime Sovereignty | Building Energy Act | Summer Break
14. Update from Berlin #14 | Federal Budget Week | Building Energy Act | G20 Summit
15. Update from Berlin #15 | Online-Access Law | Hospital Funding | Europe
16. Update from Berlin #16 | Start Ups and AI | Cannabis Legizlation | Bundesrat
17. Update from Berlin #17 | State Elections | Bundestag | Committees
18. Update from Berlin #18 | Traffic Laws | Climate Adaption | Electricity Taxation
19. Update from Berlin #19 | Health | Committees | Courts

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Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Update from Berlin. My name is Florian von Gierke and I’m looking forward to giving you your week’s update on which initiatives are being discussed in Berlin. 

Bundestag Sessions: Citizen’s Council on Nutrition

On Wednesday the Bundestag, at the behest of the coalition parties, will talk about introducing a “citizen’s council” that should debate changes in nutrition and how much it’s a private matter vs. the state’s responsibility. 

Strengthening Germany as a Sea Port Location + Production of Hydrogen + Care / Nursing Work

On Monday, the Traffic Committee will hold a hearing on Germany as a sea port location. The full Bundestag will then debate that matter on Friday. 

Also on Friday, the Bundestag will start discussions on an initiative by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, that pushes for a production of hydrogen without any technological bias. 

On Wednesday the Health Committee will hold a hearing on a government sponsored bill intended to support care or nursing work. 

Bundesrat Session: Election Law + Pharmaceutical Supply Chains + Care/ Nursing Work + Heater Exchanges + Immigration of Skilled Workers

Finally on Friday we’re seeing a lot of work in the Bundesrat. The representatives of the federal states will talk about changes to Germany’s election law, debate a proposed piece of legislation that is supposed to address supply chain problems with pharmaceuticals, and – just as the Bundestag – they will concern themselves with care or nursing work. Furthermore, the states’ representatives are scheduled to talk about a government proposal concerning heater exchanges as well as how to further develop Germany’s immigration system for skilled workers. 

That’s it for this week. As always, should you have any questions or have any feedback – get in touch!

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