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Update from Berlin #2

Update from Berlin
1. Update from Berlin #1
2. Update from Berlin #2
3. Update from Berlin #3 | Skilled Labor Immigraton, Procurement Legislation, Google Court Hearing
4. Update from Berlin #4 | Cannabis Legislation | New Berlin Government
5. Update from Berlin #5 | Nutrition Citizen Council, Hydrogen Production, Bundestag Session
6. Update from Berlin # 6 | Bremen election, Lufthansa Court Ruling, Agenda EU Commission
7. Update from Berlin # 7 | Health Care Relief, Energy Efficiency, Competition Law
8. Update from Berlin # 8 | Climate & Agriculture Events, ETFs, Copyright Law
9. Update from Berlin #9 | EU Train Passenger Rights | Schengen Report | ECJ Sessions
10. Update from Berlin #10 | Bundestag Sessions, Committee Hearings, Federal Court Meetings
11. Update from Berlin #11 | Lobbyregister Revision, Committee Hearings, Government Interview
12. Update from Berlin #12 | EU Commission | Federal Court Sessions | Amazon Cartel Hearing
13. Update from Berlin #13 | Maritime Sovereignty | Building Energy Act | Summer Break
14. Update from Berlin #14 | Federal Budget Week | Building Energy Act | G20 Summit
15. Update from Berlin #15 | Online-Access Law | Hospital Funding | Europe
16. Update from Berlin #16 | Start Ups and AI | Cannabis Legizlation | Bundesrat
17. Update from Berlin #17 | State Elections | Bundestag | Committees
18. Update from Berlin #18 | Traffic Laws | Climate Adaption | Electricity Taxation
19. Update from Berlin #19 | Health | Committees | Courts

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We are getting started with the first regular episode of our weekly news format Update from Berlin.

Florian von Gierke presents what’s important on this week’s political agenda:

Script [full version]

Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of “Update from Berlin”.

We’ve got a packed agenda, so let’s get to it. But as always: If you think we’re missing a topic, get in touch!

Parliamentary Session of the German Bundestag

First of, the Bundestag will have a debate on food waste on Wednesday. Two proposals are on the table. One from the CDU/CSU and one by the Left Party.

Also on Wednesday the Bundestag will debate the National Water Strategy of the Federal Government. The goal is to have a more conscious engagement with water as a resource.

On Thursday, at the request of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, the Bundestag will talk about measures for better mobile phone reception in trains. I’m sure we’ll all appreciate that, but then let’s see when we get around to better internet in trains as well.

The Federal Government is concerned that envisioned steps towards more digitalization of the energy sector aren’t progressing fast enough – this especially concerns things such as the roll-out of smart meters. This will be debated by parliament on Friday.

Public Hearings of the Parliamentary Committees

We also have a couple of interesting hearings in Bundestag committees coming up. For one the traffic committee will hold a public hearing on the rights and obligations of rail passengers. Also the construction committee will hold a public hearing on the strengthening digitalization in construction planning.

Events and Federal Court Rulings

OK a couple of more items to cover:

– The BSI – Germany’s cyber security agency is having a conference on, well, cyber security on Wednesday and Thursday. And given the neverending stream of hacks against public actors in Germany this certainly seems necessary.

– The German constitutional court will hold oral arguments on provisions in Germany’s election law. The suit was filed by over 200 members of parliament from the Greens, the Left Party, and the FDP.

That’s it for this week. Again, should you have any questions or if there’s anything we can help you with here in Berlin, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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